Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Week Six

1. Finish your mood board, which should include examples of colour, texture, Font, composition/structure and theme.

2. Pair up and use your mood board to brainstorm several ideas for your action movie.
Your brainstorming needs to come up with the following;

A Title: The title needs to be catchy and reflect the movies tone, characters and story line.

Main character/s description:  A Name and description of the characters look, age, sex, clothing, skills and maybe even a catch phrase.

Synopsis: (what the movie is about).

Photos:  A description of the photos you will take for your DVD cover.

3. Post these items to your blog

4. Use the internet to find some examples of DVD covers. Take a look at their structure and any information on them.

5. Form a list of what you might need on your DVD cover e.g. titles, logos etc.

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