Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Week 3

Exercise #2: Redesign the Australian Flag for a 2012 audience

Break up into groups and brainstorm the following:

1.     Define the problem.  What is 'wrong' with the current design? What works in the current design?

 2.     Possible constraints - audience (social and ethical issues, attitudes of Australian's and foreigners), medium (various formats flags are displayed), purpose (what does a flag do?)

Present your concept and explain what the problem was, the various factors that were considered, and how you solved the dilemma.

Earlier we defined the design challenge

·         user/client needs

·         constraints

Discussion: How does this relate to Web Design?

3.     Post to your blog:       

·         A picture of the Australian flag as well as three other flags.

·         Defining the problem.

·          Possible constraints.

·          How this could relate to Web Design.

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