Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 9

Review of design solution

Answer the following questions

1. Are you happy with your design? Why? Why Not?

2. How well does it fulfil the design requirements?

3. Ask a fellow student to give you feed back on your design solution.

4. If you were to redesign your solution what would you change?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 8

Due on the 13th of September:

Item 1: Final DVD design uploaded to your blog and to the Moodle page for 'Follow a design process'.

Item 2: Upload a link to your student blog for this unit. Your student blog should contain all class exercises on this blog, design planning, any research and a copy of your final DVD design.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Week 7

1. Watch a Photoshop demonstration on how to create a basic DVD cover.

Here is a DVD Template you can use

2. Use your Mood board and brain storming work sheet to start your DVD design.

3. Liaise with your teacher on design feedback.

Here is a link to a sight where you can download some free stock images.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Week Six

1. Finish your mood board, which should include examples of colour, texture, Font, composition/structure and theme.

2. Pair up and use your mood board to brainstorm several ideas for your action movie.
Your brainstorming needs to come up with the following;

A Title: The title needs to be catchy and reflect the movies tone, characters and story line.

Main character/s description:  A Name and description of the characters look, age, sex, clothing, skills and maybe even a catch phrase.

Synopsis: (what the movie is about).

Photos:  A description of the photos you will take for your DVD cover.

3. Post these items to your blog

4. Use the internet to find some examples of DVD covers. Take a look at their structure and any information on them.

5. Form a list of what you might need on your DVD cover e.g. titles, logos etc.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week 5

You are going to design  a DVD cover for an action movie using a photo you have taken yourself.

A great place to start in coming up with a new design is to create a mood board

mood board is a tool used by designers to help them get a good idea of what their clients are looking for.
Mood boards are basically collages of items such as photographs, sketches, clippings, fabric swatches and colour samples.

Here is a link to some information on mood boards.

Examples of mood boards

After a demonstration from your teacher on how to create a mood board using Photoshop.

Use Adobe Photoshop to create a mood board for your action DVD.

Save your completed mood board as a jpg and post it to your blog.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Week 4

1. From the flag debate last week here is a link to a site with some new designs for the australian flag.

If you were given the job of selecting one of these designs which one would you choose and why?

Post a copy of the image to your blog and state why you selected the design.

2.     Post all the work to your blog (if you have sketches, scan them in and post them as jpegs)    


Week 3

Exercise #2: Redesign the Australian Flag for a 2012 audience

Break up into groups and brainstorm the following:

1.     Define the problem.  What is 'wrong' with the current design? What works in the current design?

 2.     Possible constraints - audience (social and ethical issues, attitudes of Australian's and foreigners), medium (various formats flags are displayed), purpose (what does a flag do?)

Present your concept and explain what the problem was, the various factors that were considered, and how you solved the dilemma.

Earlier we defined the design challenge

·         user/client needs

·         constraints

Discussion: How does this relate to Web Design?

3.     Post to your blog:       

·         A picture of the Australian flag as well as three other flags.

·         Defining the problem.

·          Possible constraints.

·          How this could relate to Web Design.

Week 2

1.Complete the lateral thinking and brainstormingexercise sheet.


Research some innovative designs on Utube and using 'prezi' create an online presentation, presenting at least five of these innovative designs.

Post a link to your online presentation.

Here is an example of one: